Yummy banana Brownies recipe

Banana Brownies

Hello Bund, Cobain recipe for Banana Yuk Bund. Instead of having to buy a banana brownies in a shop that is quite expensive, mending we make your own bund. Besides saving is also assured cleanliness. Be safe for family:-)

Check out the recipe below...

8 plantains (in long and thin slices)
5 egg yolks
3 Grains of egg whites
120 grams of wheat flour
25 grams cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoons baking powder
60 gram Butter
30 gram Dark Cooking chocolate

Ingredients of the spreads brownies:
  • Melt 150 grams of dark cooking chocolate, and 2 pieces of plantains in pieces 1 cm.
  • How to make:
  • Prepare Loyang, try to have an size 8 x 20 x 8 cm, then plastic base that is heat resistant and applied butter to the entire surface.
  • Melt butter and also dark cooking chocolate, then set aside.
  • Shake the Egg & the sugar until fluffy and thick, add a mixture of wheat flour, cocoa powder and baking powder while in the shake/mix until blended.
  • Put the chocolate fluid into the dough, and stir again until blended
  • Pour half of the dough in a baking pan, steamed for approximately 20-25 Menitan.
  • Lift, then align/add the banana pieces over the dough.
  • Pour back the remaining dough, steamed until cooked. Lift the Dingginkan.
  • Apply the top with dark cooking chocolate, then give a piece of banana, can also be decorated with white cooking chocolate that has melted as much as 50 grams.
  • That's the Bund how to make a good banana brownies and can mother try at home.

  • Hopefully the reception is beneficial to the Bund, good luck:-)

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