Goat Soup recipe

Goat Soup recipe

Happy Sunday Bund, let me be confused as to what today?

Yuk, the Bund Cobain Sop goat recipe.


300 gr Young Goat meat
300 GR Goat Ribs
Water 3 liters
1 Salam leaves
2 tsp salt
1 tsp fine pepper
4 tbsp cooking oil
1 grain nutmeg, split
4 cm cinnamon
3 Grains of clove and 2 cardamom
3 Pieces of potato
1 carrot
2 Stalk scallion
2 stalk celery
7 Garlic seeds that have been puree
3 tbsp samine oil
1 onion
Beef flavoring to taste

Complementary materials

Fried Onions
Lime juice
Fried emping
Red Chili/Soto
Sliced scallion
Celery leaves
Cherry tomatoes

How to make

Cut the goat meat according to taste and goat bone 3-4cm long, put goat meat into boiling water. Cook with medium heat, input a greeting leaf, a little carrot and onion to neutralize the flavor of goat. Cook until goat meat is tender.
Strain the broth by 1.5 liters, when the fluid is reduced add enough boiling water, lift the leaves, carrots and scallion.
Heat oil in a wok, stir-fry onions, finely garlic, stir in cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and pepper. Stir until the aroma comes out, lift. Stir-fry the seasoning into the pan add the oil samin.
Cut carrots and potatoes according to taste, stir in the soup, cook until cooked vegetables and season with samin oil.
Stir in the SOP and the meat and bones into the food bowl. Sprinkle fried onions, sliced onions, celery leaves and lime juice, serve with sambal

Good try the recipe above.. 

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