Bali Kenus yellow curry seafood soup


  • 5-6 cups seafood stock
  • 4 tablespoons yellow curry sauce
  • 2 lime leaves
  • 2 pieces of lemongrass, finely sliced
  • 1 large chilli, sliced
  • 360g calamari
  • 3 long beans, cut into 5cm pieces
  • 60ml coconut cream

Heat the seafood stock until it boils. Pour in the yellow curry sauce. Throw in the lime leaves, lemongrass and the chilli. Once mixed, add the calamari and boil until half cooked.

Boil the long beans separately for 1-2 minutes to blanch. After blanching, place the long beans immediately over ice for a few minutes to ensure they remain crunchy.   

To serve, pour the coconut cream and long beans into the mix. Season to taste.

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