Update 2019: Recipes and how to make traditional food Putu cake

How to make Putu cake

Kue Putu is a traditional Indonesian cake, this cake is very soft and delicious. Especially when still warm, savory flavor and sweetness mixed together. Well on this occasion the admin will share how to make a cake easy and simple putu.

400 grams of rice flour
150 grams of grated coconut (choose coconut that is not too old or too young)
150 grams of brown sugar (fine comb)
Water (to taste)
Salt (to taste, 1 tsp)
1 pandan Leaf
Bamboo Moulds (diameteris 3 to 5 cm)
Banana leaf (to taste)

How to make Putu cake
Boil the water in the pan and enter the salt and pandan leaves and stir briefly.
Stir until the salt is dissolved and the scent of pandan leaf is fragrant. Boil until the water is warm then turn off the flames.
Prepare another container for stirring dough. Pour the rice flour in it by pouring it out little by little water that has been heated before. While pour water, stir the dough until flour forming fine grains.
If the dough is finished fine grain, put the dough into the bamboo mold. Insert until the mold is filled in half. Next, also enter the brown sugar that has been finely combed. Cover it with a little more dough.
Next, prepare a boiler to steam the cake. Steamed for 10 minutes and while waiting for a ripe putu cake, prepare a baking dish or a plate that has been coated with banana leaves.
Pick up a ripe putu cake and serve.
Sprinkle with coconut cake and eat while still warm! Please buddy try at home Yes!


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