Character-unique doughnut recipe

Character-unique doughnut recipe

Good morning mother, this weekend want to make a snack what make family.

Instead of confused mending check out the unique donut cake recipe that will be admin explain, read yes...

Ingredients Doughnut Bread:

150 gr wheat flour proteins are being
250 gr high protein wheat flour
2 egg yolks
1 egg whites
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp instant yeast
25 gr Milk Powder
60 gr granulated sugar
135 ml ice water
65 Gram Margarine
1/2 tsp salt
Cooking oil

INGREDIENTS Toping Donuts:

50 GR White Choco Chips
300 gr Chocolate Cooking green color, melt
150 gr cooked chocolate concentrated, melt
300 gr Brown RIPE yellow color
25 GR Almond Pieces

How to create unique characteristic doughnuts:

Combine ingredients such as wheat flour, sugar, powdered milk, baking powder, and also instant yeast, then stir.
Add the eggs and also the water a little bit while the dough is kneaded until it becomes proof.
Give margarine and salt to taste, knead again dough to elastic. Let stand for a moment up to 30 minutes.
Mixture of doughnut cake dough ingredients. Divide and weigh the dough each weighing 40 gr then the shape becomes rounded. Let stand again for 10 minutes.
Flatten the dough. Form a cut-down circle, and then clear the center of it.
Put the dough in a baking pan that has been sprinkled with flour. Let stand for 45 minutes until fluffy.
Fry the doughnut cake with the oil that has been heated to a small flame until brownish-coloured and cooked doughnuts. Lift and drain.
For the hat, divide the white chocolate into 3 parts. Add another dye on 2 parts and mix well.  (One section is left white only).
Dip doughnut into colored chocolate, then decorate with Choco chips, almond, and ripe chocolate in the form of frogs, bees, or chickens.

Well less so mother, how easy is the way to make it..

Good luck to the Bund, hopefully family like.